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Mechatronics, an interdisciplinar sphere of activity
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Mechatronics, an interdisciplinar sphere of activity


Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field of engineering which is based on the classical disciplines mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. Mechatronic systems are determined by the fact that they record, process and interpret signals from their environment and execute appropriate tasks.

The goal is to extend and supplement mechanical systems with sensors and microcomputers to build intelligent and capable products. Components for such systems emerge from mechanics, electronics and computer technology. Methods to combine these components emerge from systems theory, control, and information technology. The fact that such a system detects changes in its environment with sensors, and reacts to these changes after processing the information, distinguishes it from more conventional machines. Examples of mechatronic systems include robots, controlled combustion engines, anti-blocking breaking systems for vehicles and airplanes, contact free magnetic bearings, active vibration isolation, machine tools with self adapting tools, automatic suspension technology for transportation, micromechanical grippers etc. Typical for such a system is the high degree of system knowledge and software, which is necessary for its development, construction and deployment.


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